Digital upgrade project at Eurobank Leasing

SingularLogic implemented a digital upgrade project at Eurobank Leasing
SingularLogic has completed a digital upgrade project at Eurobank Leasing - Eurobank Financial Leasing, a subsidiary of Eurobank, with the Leasing solution of the SingularLogic CFMS - Credit Facilities Management System platform.
The project aimed to enhance the organization's flexibility and efficiency, manage the constantly increasing requirements for statutory and regulatory compliance, provide advanced reporting and holistic workflow processes within a unified platform. Additionally, the project incorporated the analysis of the organization's current business needs and specifications, the development of new functionality, the implementation and configuration of the system, the migration of portfolio data from the old system, and the training of the users.
The implementation success factors of this demanding project include the capabilities of the CFMS platform, SingularLogic's experience and know-how in the leasing industry, and the excellent collaboration between the executives of both companies.
Eurobank Leasing, which holds a significant market share in the Greek Leasing sector, maintains a long-standing collaboration with SingularLogic. With the implementation of this new project, Eurobank Leasing reaffirms its trust in SingularLogic, a member of the Space Hellas Group, as a reliable technological partner.