Modern businesses can benefit from innovative, modular services of multiple options that start from hardware hosting and expand easily and quickly to IaaS, SaaS, BaaS, and DR services, creating an "all-as-a-service" platform.
SingularLogic provides high-level computing structure management and protection services, where software and networking systems are combined uniquely, allowing businesses to have global, high-availability access to their critical information and data – easily, safely, quickly, and reliably.
SingularLogic offers high-quality computing infrastructures management and protection services, where software and network systems are combined uniquely, allowing enterprises to have easily, safely, quickly, and reliably global, high-availability access to their critical information and data.

Cloud Computing provisioning as a service at fully licensed and certified infrastructures allows your enterprise to operate in an OPEX model, free from fixed infrastructures, ensuring flexibility and scalability according to your current requirements and reducing management and maintenance costs.
Software provisioning as a service, based on Cloud Computing infrastructure. The enterprise has access to its business software hosted on SingularLogic's infrastructure, ensuring a reduction in its software and infrastructure costs and access from anywhere.
Service for implementing the enterprise's primary or supplementary backup plan at SingularLogic's Data Center. The service ensures Business Continuity in case of a problem or disaster in the enterprise's central infrastructure.
Disaster Recovery services are part of a Business Continuity Plan. They provide organization-wide solutions, implementation methods and technologies that ensure business continuity and help develop a quick response model for addressing any mishaps that may arise.
Depending on the specific needs of each organization, we offer shared hosting and dedicated hosting services with high-security standards and quality technical support.
This service provides infrastructure and equipment facilities such as room, power, cooling, and physical security at SingularLogic's certified Data Center. The enterprise owns the hardware hosted at SingularLogic's Data Center.