Businesses and organizations need to comprehensively monitor the energy consumption of machines and devices in their buildings, industrial facilities, and infrastructures to identify energy savings opportunities, optimize their energy efficiency, reduce related costs, and lower their carbon footprint.
SingularLogic's EnergySense solution is based on the SenseOne IoT Platform and does not require any hardware installation since it is Cloud Based. It connects with any measuring equipment and visualizes real-time data in dashboards and reports that the users easily understand. It provides all the critical information needed for the users to make timely decisions on actions that can reduce consumption and improve energy efficiency. Furthermore, it alerts users of findings requiring immediate attention in the facilities' operation to act promptly.
This solution can be interconnected with the organization's IT systems to further utilize data according to customer needs. For example, it can be integrated into an ERP system to allocate energy costs to different cost centers and provide accurate costing and cost analysis per user, shift, operating hours, facilities type, and more.

Monitor energy consumption per machine, device or application (e.g. heating, cooling, lighting), compare data to previous periods and correlate consumption to various factors that affect their operation, such as environmental temperature, hours of operation, and more.
With the AI ToolBox, you can predict the expected energy consumption through continuous monitoring and provide updates in case of deviation from the actual consumption.
Compare your equipment's energy consumption to identify unusual patterns and take necessary measures. Energy benchmarking can serve as an optimization guide.
Identify equipment issues in real time and take corrective measures without delay.
Reduce energy costs with optimized energy usage and lower your maintenance and operational expenses.
Based on the EVO-IPMVP methodology, the solution collects and calculates the actual energy savings resulting from the measures taken. Evaluate these measures and generate relevant reports for ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and ESG, with analytical data regarding your organization's carbon footprint.
Automated energy efficiency reports are sent to the appropriate recipients at the intervals defined by the organization (daily, weekly, monthly), enabling them to make informed decisions on energy and operational efficiency in the facilities.
Automated email alerts for important events, such as failures or unusual energy consumption spikes, are sent to defined users.
Energy consumption records from different operations help you allocate energy costs to the appropriate cost center, enabling accurate energy costing analysis per shift, operating hours, type of installation and more.

See how you can monitor energy consumption and identify energy-saving opportunities to optimize energy efficiency, reduce costs and lower your carbon footprint.