Business Process Re-engineering and functional toolkit for GDPR compliance
Programme: H2020-IA / 787149
Project Title: Business Process Re-engineering and functional toolkit for GDPR compliance
Project Period: 05/2018 - 04/2021
Website: https://www.bpr4gdpr.eu/
Budget: € 3.792.149
Keywords: Semantics

Project Summary
The goal of BPR4GDPR is to provide a holistic framework able to support end-to-end GDPR-compliant intra- and interorganisational ICT-enabled processes at various scales, while also being generic enough, fulfilling operational requirements covering diverse application domains. The starting point will be process models, either automatically discovered through organisation logs or manually specified, formally expressed through a Compliance Metamodel, a comprehensive process modelling technology able to capture advanced privacy provisions. Thereupon, a highly expressive policy framework will guide the automatic verification of these models regarding GDPR requirements, and their subsequent transformation, so that they are rendered inherently privacy aware before being deployed for execution. Subsequently, the consistent execution of GDPR-compliant processes will be ensured by a comprehensive set of tools able to support all diverging requirements that may arise from GDPR, related to data handling, data subjects’ involvement, various PETs, etc., so that even organisations with currently no such infrastructure in place can readily have such mechanisms. Finally, process mining will be extensively used for the ex post analysis of processes, in order to ensure that specified policies are indeed enforced. However, apart from verifying compliance, such techniques will offer the added value of automatically improving process models over time towards optimised fulfillment of both legal and business requirements. Deployed on the Cloud, BPR4GDPR will provide for Compliance-as-a-Service (CaaS).
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