Next Generation of Trustworthy Agri-Data Management
Programme: MSCA / 101073381
Project Title: ENTRUST
Project Period: 01/2023 - 12/2026
Website: https://entrustdn.eu/
Budget: € 2.705.392
Keywords: Agriculture, Data Management

Project Summary
EnTrust is a doctoral network funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) which is a part of Horizon Europe, the MSCA are the European Union’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers.
Its mission is to is to enable farmers to become equal partners in the agri data-value chain. EnTrust will enable Doctoral Researchers to excel in their future career perspectives and to obtain a PhD in the intersection between computing, information systems and social science.
The programme will create a significant impact in terms of having a huge scientific, economic, and societal impact. EnTrust is investigating how agri-data from farmers can be made available, governed, and exploited, with benefits shared in a fair way.
Our role
SingularLogic will host a Doctoral Researcher where the objective for this position is to design a methodology and instantiated as prototype software tool to identify data exploitation opportunities for small farms. Investigating the data value creation models for the different agri-stakeholders. The approach allows to analyse the requirements and expectations of the data providers, consumers and brokers and systematically design a methodology to facilitate their interactions and “transactions” in future common data spaces.