Aviation-driven Data Value Chain for Diversified Global and Local Operations
Programme: H2020 - IA / 780792
Project Title: Aviation-driven Data Value Chain for Diversified Global and Local Operations
Project Period: 01/2018 - 06/2021
Website: https://www.icarus2020.aero/
Budget: € 2.999.600
Keywords: Aviation, Big Data, Data Store

Project Summary
ICARUS will build a novel data value chain in the aviation-related sectors towards data-driven innovation and collaboration across currently diversified and fragmented industry players, acting as multiplier of the “combined” data value that can be accrued, shared and traded, and rejuvenating the existing, increasingly non-linear models / processes in aviation. Using methods such as big data analytics, deep learning, semantic data enrichment, and blockchain powered data sharing, ICARUS will address critical barriers for the adoption of Big Data in the aviation industry (e.g. data fragmentation, data provenance, data licensing and ownership, data veracity), and will enable aviation-related big data scenarios for EU-based companies, organizations and scientists, through a multi-sided platform that will allow exploration, curation, integration and deep analysis of original, synthesized and derivative data characterized by different velocity, variety and volume in a trusted and fair manner. ICARUS will bring together the Aerospace, Tourism, Health, Security, Transport, Retail, Weather, and Public sectors and accelerate their data-driven collaboration under the prism of a novel aviation-driven data value chain.
Our role
In addition to playing a major role in the project coordination, the company’s participation is crucial in the overall endeavor as it will act as the integrator of the ICARUS multi-sided platform, being responsible for the integration of all data and data analysis tools, as well as for the interoperability of all platform components and their robust functioning against or potential end users and demonstrators.