KONTOS ENTERPRISES LTD opts for SingularLogic’s Galaxy ERP

KONTOS ENTERPRISES LTD opts for SingularLogic’s Galaxy ERP
Athens, Wednesday, November 15, 2017: To automate its operations KONTOS ENTERPRISES LTD has opted for a 10-user license version of SingularLogic’s Galaxy ERP, which includes Commercial, Financial Management and Production modules.
KONTOS ENTERPRISES LTD operates in Cyprus, designing and manufacturing scaffolding and also imports timber from leading firms abroad.
The project will be implemented by experts from the subsidiary SingularLogic Cyprus, which has been successfully implementing turnkey IT solutions for small, medium and large companies in Cyprus’ private sector.
KONTOS ENTERPRISES LTD has always invested in technology and innovation to ensure its product quality remains high and that its customers continue to trust it.
By opting for SingularLogic and Galaxy it wants to ensure above all that its day-to-day transactions -such as ordering, outstanding orders, warehouse stock checks, foreign orders, customer balance checks, reconciliations and payments- are automated.
Secondly, and equally importantly, using Galaxy’s functionality, it wants to ensure it is fully able to monitor production, complex costing methods and expenses and cost allocation, to have an overall, accurate picture of production costs.
By fulfilling its expectations in this regard, KONTOS ENTERPRISES LTD can plan for the future, taking business decisions, which will help it grow and develop even further.