National Elections 2019: High speed record in the collection and broadcasting of the election results

National Elections 2019: High speed record in the collection and broadcasting of the election results
The collection and broadcasting of the election results for the National Elections 2019, undertaken by SingularLogic, a Marfin Investment Group member, on behalf of the Ministry of Interior, was successfully realized.
SingularLogic announced, earlier than any other time, specifically at 20:30 and with an extremely high degree of accuracy, the estimation for the final results of the National Elections, utilizing the results collected using the Secure Result Transmission (SRT) method via tablets and mobile devices.
In these elections, SingularLogic used 12,000 tablets -in addition to 4,500 mobile devices- where for the first time in National Elections, supported the broadcasting of the marks awarded to Candidates.
The combined use of the devices incorporated 53% of the election results for the Political Parties at 21:30 and 75% at 22:30, whereas in the previous National Elections the respective percentages were 14% and 25%.
The use of tablets significantly improved the speed of broadcasting the marks awarded to Candidates. For the first time, there was a clear picture for the media (Internet, TV) from all electoral regions without exception. Indicatively, 66% of marks awarded to Candidates was incorporated at 22:00, whereas in the previous National Elections the respective percentage at the same time was only 3%.
As a conclusion, the direct transmission through the electoral centers resulted an impressive improvement in the speed of collecting the election results, as well as informing the citizens’ and ensured an even higher reliability in the system and modernized the electoral procedure by adding a new perspective to it.
The Web Portal, supported by SingularLogic on behalf of the Ministry of Interior, displayed an international interest also in the National Elections, with visitors from 203 countries. This web portal continues to be the most visited, based on the volume of data and the number of users served, in such a short period of time. Indicatively, Sunday of the National Elections day, from 20:30 to 23:00, and given that the portal was serving an electoral procedure, it received 2,500,000 unique visitors, 84% of which used a mobile device. Simultaneously, numerous Greek and foreign popular Web Sites utilized once more the ability to broadcast the elections results through this Portal.
SingularLogic would like to thank all the bodies involved in the process, especially the Judicial Representatives who responded to the transmission of the results through SRT, contributing once more to the citizens’ fast information.