Record Speed in Collecting and Broadcasting the Results of the 2015 Parliamentary Elections

Record Speed in Collecting and Broadcasting the Results of the 2015 Parliamentary Elections
ATHENS, January 30th 2015: SingularLogic, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, has successfully realised the collection and broadcasting of the results of the 2015 Parliamentary Elections.
SingularLogic, standing by its prediction for a 9.30pm estimate of the elections, broadcast in a timely and accurate manner, and indeed, to a high degree of precision, the estimate of the final electoral result, using, once more, the method of Secure Result Transmission via mobile phones (SRT).
In terms of processing of the votes cast/output through the polling stations, it was sound operational support and an enhanced IT system that contributed to improving the speed of result inclusion by one hour and thirty minutes compared to the 2012 elections.
Especially for these elections, SingularLogic, working hand in hand with the Ministry of Interior, has launched and supported a novel entry system of collecting the selected candidates’ ballots. 543 certified agents from all Regional Prefectures across the country joined in this effort, by supplying the new system with data as early as 9pm on the very day of the elections. Through this coordinated effort, the selected candidates’ ballots for all electoral regions were rapidly available to the press, the TV and the Internet.
In terms of the Internet alone, the website powered by SingularLogic on behalf of the Ministry of Interior, received in total more than 850 million hits (number of requests) with maximum value of 15,000 hits/sec at 23:45. At the same point in time, the bandwidth was 1 Gbits/sec, whereas the total volume transmitted was 4.5 times higher than the 2012 elections.
In addition, 100 million hits alone came from smartphone and tablet users, who took advantage of the feature that automatically adjusts the content of the website to the screen and type of their mobile device.
It should be noted that the website content (i.e. total results for the Constituency) was automatically refreshed more quickly than ever before (every 1 minute), thus enabling rapid informing of the public.
The Company would like to thank the Ministry for its contribution to the joint effort of improving the processes of collection and processing of results aimed at informing the public as quickly as possible. The Company would also like to thank:
The court representatives who contributed once more to the success of the SRT system. The employees of the Regional Prefectures and Municipalities who adopted these new innovative processes for the processing of the selected candidates’ ballots. Our nationwide network of partners who undertook the task of accrediting and supporting the Regional Prefectures staff that participated in this new initiative for the collection of the selected candidates’ ballots, proving once more their high level of expertise.
This attests once more the high level of SingularLogic services and its unique positioning in offering integrated solutions that draw on the latest technology while ensuring operational competence, reliability and effectiveness.