SingularLogic: the collection and broadcasting of electoral results characterized by successful innovation

SingularLogic: the collection and broadcasting of electoral results characterized by successful innovation
Athens, September 28, 2015: SingularLogic, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, has successfully realized the collection and broadcasting of the results of the Parliamentary Elections of September 25th, 2015.
SingularLogic, standing by its prediction for a 9 p.m. estimate of the elections, broadcast in a timely and accurate manner, and indeed, to a high degree of precision, the estimate of the final electoral result, using, once more, the method of Secure Result Transmission via mobile phones (SRT).
At the same time, in this election SingularLogic tested a new method for the collection of results, making further use of new technologies. More specifically, the next "generation" of Secure Result Transmission devices (SRT Plus) was used on a pilot basis in all of the voting centers of the 2nd electoral region of Piraeus (459 voting centers). The new procedure makes use of a modern tablet and a special, particularly user-friendly application, which simplifies the procedure and the work of each Judicial Officer and also ensures faster dissemination of the information. The pilot project was implemented alongside the established procedure for dispatch of the results. The comparison of data clearly demonstrates the advantages of the new solution, since the average time and the processing for reception of the results was reduced by 60% (from 4 hours and 6 minutes to 1 hour and 36 minutes.
As regards the online broadcasting of the results, the website supported by SingularLogic on behalf of the Ministry, was the subject of international interest, with hits from 195 countries; it also retains its leadership, as the website with the most traffic based on the volume of data and the number of visitors served in the space of a few hours. At the same time, more and more Greek and foreign websites are taking advantage of the opportunity to broadcast the electoral results, whether through a link to the Ministry website on their own pages, or by using the results provided by SingularLogic within the framework of the project undertaken for the Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Reconstruction.
Finally, equally successful was the implementation of the support system for Courts of First Instance by SingularLogic, which has been applied successfully in previous electoral procedures. This system, which was implemented in 35 Courts of First Instance around the country, allowed for the timely processing and posting of the official election results.
The company wishes to thank all involved bodies and especially the employees at Regional Units and Municipalities, as well as all Judicial Officers and the company's network of partners, who adopted the SRT system and contributed to its success.
This attests once more the high level of SingularLogic services and its unique positioning in offering integrated solutions that draw on the latest technology while ensuring operational competence, reliability and effectiveness.