Space Hellas Group of Companies signed the “Diversity Charter”

Space Hellas Group of Companies signed the “Diversity Charter”
Space Hellas recently signed the ¨Diversity Charter” while remaining true to its values, for a fair, healthy and inclusive working environment, offering its employees equal development opportunities and unlimited potential.
The President of KEAN (Cell of Alternative Youth Activities) and Founder of Diversity Charter Greece, Stavros Milionis stated: “Space Hellas, a leading company in the field of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Security, becomes a member of the Charter, reinforcing the list of companies that are committed to defending the principles and values of diversity and healthy integration in their daily operation. We are very happy that the Diversity Charter for Greek companies is enriched with an important and populous Group, and we will stay by its side for the planning and implementation of actions towards this direction.”
The Executive President of Space Hellas Mr. Spyros D. Manolopoulos stated: “We are particularly pleased for the participation of Space Hellas and the companies of the Group such as SingularLogic, AgroApps and SenseOne in the Diversity Charter. The Space Hellas Group has a long tradition of human-centered approach, respect for the environment and care for society, seeking to strengthen in every way its contribution to creating a healthy working community.
«At Space Hellas we recognize that people are the key to success, so we invest in them, making them feel that they belong to a large family where their ideas are appreciated and heard with respect. At the same time, our corporate culture inspires and at the same time pushes our people forward to become better and to contribute with their own stamp to the corporate vision.”
Space Hellas Group is a living organization, a place of creation, where everyone’s professional dreams can be realized in a fair working environment without exclusions and stereotypes.