Holistic Surface Water and Groundwater Management for Sustainable Cities
Programme: Marie Curie - RISE / 734409
Project Title: Holistic Surface Water and Groundwater Management for Sustainable Cities
Project Period: 03/2017 - 09/2021
Website: http://www.water4cities.eu/
Budget: € 1.242.000
Keywords: Water Networks, Data Management, Urban Infrastructure

Project Summary
The Water4Cities project will rely on sensor technologies, data and visual analytics to enable localization, visualization and analysis of urban water (both surface water and groundwater) at a holistic urban setting providing services to multiple water stakeholders.
More specifically, the Water4Cities project aims to develop the necessary models and associated platform that will enable water providers and relevant stakeholders to:
- Monitor in real-time the urban water resources;
- Support their decisions for optimal urban water management causing minimal environmental impact and
- Involve policy makers, corporations and the public to provide the support for sound and balanced decision-making.
Beyond the scientific results, Water4Cities will target the exchange of knowledge among project partners. The Water4Cities project requires the collaboration of researchers in different research areas, i.e., water management, urban infrastructure management, sensor networks, data mining, data visualization, system integration, urban planning. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of the project, staff exchanges will allow partners working closely together to deliver high quality results.
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