Long-term yield assessment studies for wind farms, by reliable wind resource data and analytics
Programme: H2020 - IA/ 878788
Project Title: Commercialization of a breakthrough wind resource assessment technology for automated planning of bankable wind farms
Project Period: 01/2020 - 12/2022
Budget: € 3.005.487
Keywords: Wind Power Plant, Cloud

Project Summary
WindSider addresses the need for a automated and affordable solution for generating accurate and bankable resource maps, wind power plant designs and long-term yield assessment studies. WindSider outperforms the classical semiautomated process in terms of processing time and cost, while still ensuring bankable precision. WindSider is a game changer enabling for the first time generation of validated reports of bankable quality. This allows for prospecting more projects faster with go/no-go decisions at lower risk than today, leading to more new wind farms. Wind energy is abundantly available as a domestic energy source all over the world. It requires no fuel and causes no emissions. It is the fasted growing source of power globally and an essential pillar of Europe’s Energy Union strategy. At the same time, the overall process of wind energy project development and power generation is far from optimized, carrying vast business opportunities for those improving it. Between 2018-2024, the global wind energy installations on land will on average be 50 GW per year (200GW will be prospected), requiring 20,000-30,000 new turbines and investment of 70 billion EUR per year, indicating a Total Available Market size for the WindSider of approximately 2 billion EUR.
Our role
Integrator – Cloud orchestrator. Task leaders in T4.1 “Validation plan” and T4.5 “Commercial scalability”