6G Intelligent Connectivity And inteRaction for Users and infraStructures
Programme: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01/101131342
Project Title: 6G-ICARUS
Project Period: 01/03/2024 – 29/02/2028
Website: https://6gicarus.eu/
Budget: € 501.400
Keywords: 6G, Network

Project Summary
The 6G-ICARUS project will investigate, combine, and improve on current technologies in order to address numerous obstacles that 6G networks will face in order to define the future wireless networks (FWNs). 6G-ICARUS is focused on FWNs capable of meeting a variety of targets, resulting in better geographic coverage, particularly in urban areas, higher transmission rates, lower latency, provision of diverse services, processing of information generated from a massive volume of heterogeneous sources, inherent resilience to counter potential security threats, and making intelligent decisions
Our role
SingularLogic is the WP6: Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication, Standardisation, and IPR Leader as well as for T6.1 which is dedicated to setting up and implementing the dissemination, exploitation, and communication strategy. SLG will also play a crucial role as Task 3.1 Leaser which refers to MCon network architectures and resource management.