Tools and Services for Smart Readiness Indicator
Programme: LIFE – PJG / 101077201
Project Title: Co-creating Tools and Services for Smart Readiness Indicator Uptakee
Project Period: 12/2022 - 05/2025
Budget: € 2.104.007
Keywords: Smart Energy, Building Energy Efficiency

Project Summary
Long term strategies for smartness upgrades in building construction and renovation require reliable measures for the assessment of buildings smart readiness. SRI-ENACT provides a holistic solution to facilitate the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) uptake in Europe, by engaging stakeholders in the co-creation of national-tailored SRI implementations and the development of the SRI-ENACT toolkit, encompassing SRI assessment and decision support tools to promote informed decision making for smartness upgrades. Beyond the methodological and technological outcomes, SRI-ENACT will deliver a package for the training and certification of the prospective SRI auditors. The resulting solution will be applied in 8 EU countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Romania and Spain) involving 120 SRI auditors for the SRI assessment of 1.200 buildings. The large-scale pilots will provide evidence on the success of the SRI implementation to create best practices, design financing schemes for the SRI improvement, and deliver policy recommendations for the replication and wider uptake of the SRI-ENACT tools and services.
Our role
Project Coordinator. Moreover, SLG will be responsible for the SRI-ENACT toolkit (WP3 leader) and the Greek pilot (WP4). SLG will also contribute to the exploitation and sustainability of the action (Task 5.3 leader). SOT will be involved in Task 4.1, Task 4.3, Task 4.4 and Task 5.3.