BeSecure - FeelSecure
Reinforce urban security and promote positive perception of urban safety
Programme: UIA / UIA04-274
Project Title: Be Secure Feel Secure
Project Period: 09/2019 - 02/2023
Budget: € 4.959.308
Keywords: Urban Security, Software Integrator

Project Summary
The BSFS project aims to reinforce urban security and promote positive perception of urban safety by providing strategies & tools to link the main urban security stakeholders & facilitate their collaboration in physical-and-cyber space. BSFS will introduce the Local Council for Crime Prevention (LCCP), where the urban security city stakeholders will be represented under the common goal to decide on activities and interventions that increase city resilience against crime.
Under the supervision of the LCCP, BSFS will apply a number of spatial interventions, such as image management, target hardening following the CPTED “Crime Prevention through Environmental Design” model, accompanied by social activation strategies to enhance community cohesion and connectivity at neighborhood level.
BSFS will also offer a digital platform enabling the assessment of combined physical cyber threats and the visualization of risks and other relevant activities through geospatial mapping to facilitate decision-making. The BSFS solution will be validated and evaluated in the City of Piraeus (CoP), one of the highest populated cities in Greece with a systemic long-lasting corruption and problematic criminal situation, and will develop a set of replication guidelines for the wider adoption of BSFS solution in other cities.
Our role
SingularLogic has undertaken the technical management of the project in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the technical activities. SingularLogic worked closely with Piraeus in the design phase to address the definition of the project's challenges, according to the approved Integrated Spatial Investment (OXE in Greek) and Piraeus' Digital Strategy, to define the technical description of CURiM system (WP5).
SingularLogic also collaborates with Piraeus & the wider stakeholders on the definition of requirements and the type of information shared and processed by the CURiM system and works closely with the rest of the technical partners in the design, implementation, and deployment of CURiM. Finally, SingularLogic, in collaboration with the technical partners, will technically support the CURiM pilots to ensure their smooth execution and the extraction of qualitative results. Considering that Piraeus is among the major public customers of SingularLogic and its long-standing technical expertise, delivering a high-quality technical solution is guaranteed.