Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women to BOUNCE Back
Programme: H2020-RIA / 777167
Project Title: Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women to BOUNCE Back
Project Period: 01/2017 - 04/2022
Budget: € 4.999.410
Keywords: Healthcare

Project Summary
BOUNCE will bring together modeling, medical, and social sciences experts to advance current knowledge on the dynamic nature of resilience as it relates to efficient recovery from breast cancer. BOUNCE will take into consideration clinical, cancer-related biological, lifestyle, and psychosocial parameters in order to predict individual resilience trajectories throughout the cancer continuum and eventually increase resilience in breast cancer survivors and help them remain in the workforce and enjoy a better quality of life. BOUNCE will deliver a unified clinical model of modifiable factors associated with optimal disease outcomes and will deploy a prospective multi-center clinical pilot at four major oncology centers. The advanced computational tools to be employed will validate indices of patients’ capacity to bounce back during the highly stressful treatment and recovery period following diagnosis of breast cancer. The overreaching goal of BOUNCE is to incorporate elements of a dynamic, predictive model of patient outcomes in building a decision-support system used in routine clinical practice to provide physicians and other health professionals with concrete, personalized recommendations regarding optimal psychosocial support strategies.
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