Converting Data Centers in Energy Flexibility Ecosystems
Programme: H2020-IA / 768739
Project Title: Converting DCs in Energy Flexibility Ecosystems
Project Period: 10/2017 - 09/2020
Budget: € 2.982.805
Keywords: Data Centers, Smart Energy

Project Summary
CATALYST will adapt, scale up, validate and deploy an innovative, adaptable technological and business framework aimed at i) exploiting available Data Centres (DC) non-IT legacy assets (onsite RES/backup generation, UPS/batteries, cooling system thermal inertia, heat pump for waste heat reuse) to deliver simultaneous energy flexibility services to multi-energy coupled electricity/heat/IT load marketplaces ii) deploying Cross-DC cross-infrastructures (e.g. heat vs IT) IT workload orchestration, by combining heat-demand driven HPC geographical workload balancing, with traceable ICT-load migration between federated DCs to match IT demands with time-varying onsite RES (“follow the energy approach”) iii) providing marketplace-as-a-service tools to nurture novel ESCO2.0 business models. The adaptation and replication potential of CATALYST will be demonstrated through carrying out four different real life trials spanning through the full spectrum of DCs types (fully distributed DCs, HPC, co-location, legacy) and architectures (from large centralized versus decentralized micro-DCs).
Our role
SingularLogic is coordinating the developments related to providing the core integration and qualification framework of CATALYST. Further, SingularLogic leads the design and implementation of the CATALYST migration framework, which allows IT load migration even within different administrative domains, preserving privacy and security of the migrated load. Last, but not least, SingularLogic contributes to the cloudification of the CATALYST Marketplace, realizing CATALYST Marketplace-as-a-Service, which allows instantiation of mono-carrier energy marketplaces (electricity vs heat marketplace) or multi-energy marketplaces (energy marketplaces)