Completed Projects
01 Σεπ, 2019
Health Promotion Breast Cancer Screening in Informal Carers
Programme: Erasmus / 2019-1- CY01-KA204-058266
Project Title: Health Promotion Breast Cancer Screening in Informal Carers
Project Period: 09/2019 - 09/2022
Budget: € 155.869
Keywords: Healthcare

Project Summary
The project aims to develop a mobile phone-based health intervention, as a means to enhance preventive health care behavior among informal carers’ population with tailored individual messages, covering broad content areas while also overcoming restrictions to place and time of delivery. The specific objectives of the project are:
- To create a methodology and relevant contents extending informal carers’ knowledge regarding the impact of their prevention avoidance behavior on BC development
- To educate and enhancing them to assume control over this disease through adopting and maintaining changes in their lifestyle and living practices. These include modifications of their lifestyle habits, self-monitoring, self-assessment and reinforcement of positive behaviors as well as encouragement of use of preventive BC services.
- To develop a personalized mobile application (i.e. personal characteristics, needs and preferences),which will support informal carers to better manage self-care and behaviour change in illness prevention